Q 1 • Vulnerable as South, you hold: ♠J 9 ♥K Q 10 6 3 ♦J 8 7 6 2 ♣5 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1♠ Pass 1NT Pass 2♣ Pass ? What do you bid now? A • With partner having bid two suits, there are those who might take a preference to two spades. However, we see no reason why you should want to suppress a good five-card major. Bid two hearts. Q 2 • As South, vulnerable, you hold: ♠A K 5 ♥A 10 9 4 2 ♦A K Q 7 6 ♣Void The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 3NT* Pass ? *Solid seven-card minor, no outside ace or king What do you bid now? A • This is a case for simple...
0 Responses to Bridge column for Nov. 19