11/30/2012 10:01 4153503347 The lnforrnation contained in this transmission is confidential and may DUNDEE PAGE 01/05 To: Company Announcements Office Company: Australian Stock Exchange bo privllegecl. lt ls intended only for the uso of the individuai or entijy to wllom lt ls addressed. lf you have receiv0d this transmlsslon in errar, plaasa notify us immediately and retum the originai tt'i?ln:smi:ssion to I.J$. Théuik you for your co operation. Fax Number: 011-61-2-9778-0999 or 011-61-29347 0005 From: Tim Fitzpatrick Date: November 30, 2012 - Total Pages: 5 Qun\!T!>e -C.f(! 1 Adt::J!aidf<j Strr ot Eact 21-r::::·li)O!·, ':''croma, ON, f;llbC 1\/9 TcJ: 41(l..3C,,).....
0 Responses to Change of Interests of Substantial Holder (Crusader Resources Limited)